Traveling can be exciting and freeing. Unfortunately, many destinations offer a number of reasons to be cautious and require some planning and precautions to avoid unwanted surprises. Here are some simple things you can do to protect yourself and your family and to only come back with unforgettable memories.

Before Your Trip

Get required vaccinations

Many places in South America, Asia, Africa and elsewhere strongly suggest getting vaccinated for things like yellow fever, hepatitis, and typhoid fever. It is important to understand the risks associated with each travel destination and getting a pre-travel consultation with a trained medical professional can help you identify the right vaccines and medicines required to mitigate those risks. You can book in person appointments or use telehealth services like MDKonsult.

Get travelers insurance

Although extra money for insurance may seem unnecessary after booking an expensive vacation, it is always a good idea to explore and get medical insurance for travel. Despite all precautions, if you do suffer an illness or injury, having travel insurance will protect you from significant financial burden in an already stressful situation.

During Your Trip

Be aware of contaminated water

Waterborne illnesses are among the most common source of travel related medical issues. While we are fortunate in Canada to have access to fresh and clean water, you cannot assume the same for all parts of the world. If at all in doubt about the quality of water filtration systems in a country, avoid using tap water for drinking. Additionally, use bottled or filtered water to brush your teeth, avoid eat salads or raw foods if washed with tap water, and do not consume drinks with ice.

Wash and sanitize your hands frequently

Constantly sanitizing your hands is a quick and easy way to prevent germs from entering your system while traveling. Carry hand sanitizer in your backpack and a small pack in your pocket for quick access. When you are on the road, you never know when you will next have access to soap. Always ensure you wash your hands before eating, after using the toilet, after handling money, and after visiting crowded destinations.

Avoid mosquito bites

Many of the worst diseases you can acquire while traveling are spread through mosquito bites. These include but are not limited to yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, and malaria. If your travels are taking you through high-risk destinations, purchase and carry bug spray, have a bug net for your bed, and wear long sleeves and pants as much as possible. Furthermore, getting vaccinated prior to your trip will further protect you in case you do get bitten.

Traveling can be an eye-opening experience and the last thing you want during your trip is to fall sick. By planning and taking certain precautions, you can ensure that you do not get unwanted surprises. If you are planning a trip or are about to travel, set up an in-person consultation or book an online consultation from the comfort of your home from services like MDKonsult.